
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Elite

           Okay, so after the incredibly long waiting period for Modern Warfare 3 to actually come out I also decided to buy the Elite edition only to find out that I would have to wait even longer in order to access my account due to high server traffic.  This made me so mad, not only did I pay 50 dollars for something I can't use, I actually was looking forward to the tournaments the game was offering.  

After going onto MW3 website I found that I was put on a waiting list of sorts so that they could build server strength to support all those who wanted to try this highly anticipated feature. Thats another thing, how did they not know that people will want to try something that is "new."  Xbox said the same thing when Kinect came out "oh, we didn't know people would like it, so we really didn't invest time or money into it, but we'll get back to you on that."

          Anyways,  TWO WEEKS LATER I was able to finally get into Elite only to find that I was going to be pissed off.  They didn't tell you that these so called competitions would be held at weird times and that you have to apply or give an entry to enter.  What's with this!?  I just want to play and win, i don't want to have to wait for players or a playing time...I want to play now!  Anyways apart from this if you look at it from a map standpoint its worth it because you will be getting all the maps and any other download they come out with.  There is also a stats page which seems kinda weak to me, I can't believe they made you pay for the same stats you get in Black Ops for free.

         So...I guess its up to you if your going to get the Modern Warfare Elite edition.   My opinion would be that if you play a lot and you know your going to get the new maps anyway I would just buck up and buy it.  If your on the fence then run the other direction because I know you will not be please with your purchase.

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